Want to pledge by phone?

Posted by Maximum Fun on 21st May 2008

You can.

Use the button above to pledge by phone. You just click it, type in your number, then your phone rings, then my phone rings. You’ll tell me what you want to pledge, then I’ll invoice you via email.


Why not just pledge online?
There is no good reason not to do it online. However, if making myself available to you via telephone gets you to pledge, then who am I to turn that down?

Will I stil get prizes?

Should I call before 9AM or after 9PM pacific time?
Absolutely not. If you do, I will be very annoyed.

What if you don’t pick up?
Then I’m not around to answer the phone. Leave your name, email address, and what pledge you’d like to make. Please spell out your email address clearly.

Are you driving to Santa Cruz for Maximum Funny on Friday? Will you still be answering the phone?
Yes, I am driving to Santa Cruz, and no, I won’t be answering the phone then. This offer is only open today and tommorow. And potentially next week if I can, but no promises.

What if you’re eating lunch? I think it’s gross to talk to someone on the phone who’s eating.
Tough shit, I have to eat or I’ll die.

Are these calls going to some Indian call center?
My grandfather’s grandmother was full-blooded Osage, and I take offense at that remark.