Hey Wonderful!

This is a special, customized “At Home” version of the M.A.S.H. game we play on The JV Club, created — with the goal of self-celebration and self-care in mind— for YOU!

This M.A.S.H. game can be done with a friend or friends, but it also designed to be entirely doable solo! The intention is for you to pick a day to fill out your M.A.S.H, and then spend the next week reveling in your 100% guaranteed M.A.S.H. future by taking in each of the “winners” sometime that week.

  (MaxFunHQ Editor’s Note: You can download your own M.A.S.H. Game form by clicking here! -Danny)

The Categories

Happy Place movies: Watch your winner and soak it in!

Acts of Self Care: Commit to taking care of YOU.

Edible Treats: Dig into the treat the Fates decide… and no guilt allowed.

Loved Ones: You love them, they love you. Call or write this person to celebrate it.

I Want That: You’ll buy one of these three items- it’s something you know you want, and know you can afford, but haven’t allowed yourself to grab. This is that permission slip!

Childhood Books: It made you happy then. Guess what? It’ll make you happy now!

Sniff It: Find that favorite smell and take a few minutes to let your nose guide your feelings and/or memories, and sit in that space.

Songs: Go back to a favorite (new or old!) and really listen to it. Don’t do anything else while you listen. Just be in the moment with your tune!

If you do your M.A.S.H. with a pal, have your bud fill out the form and make the spiral or hash marks, find your “number,” and do the elimination for you, then read your results.

If you fly solo (which again, this game was designed for), take the DATE of your birth, and add it up to get your single digit to count and eliminate. If your date is a single digit already, TA DA!

Example: my bday is the 16th. 1 + 6 = 7 is my M.A.S.H. number! So I would start at “M” and count past A, S, H, and strike out whatever I hit at number 7. Cross out, then continue on the next line below with “1,” crossing out at7 until you end up with one “WINNER” per category. I’ve never tried to describe that before in writing. I’m exhausted!

EXTRA CREDIT: Sure, we all know that technically you only get ONE thing from each category… but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the game and enjoy a few (or all) of the non-winners. After all, it’s 2022! Everyone gets a trophy!
